Welcome To Lusico2

Lusico is a tool for retrieving LD to queried SNPs. It works very similar to SNAP , but now for 1000Genomes phases 1 and 3 (vs. pilot 1) and bigger windows

How it works

Choose a SNP (rsname) and some optional parameters (or accept take default parameters), a text file will be generated

  • Be aware, there are slightly different Ancestry options for phase 1 and phase 3
mandatory Input
optional Input

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Finally, please note that this tool is in development (it was released on May 2016) and should be considered "beta". In particular, our development server is not equipped for high traffic. If the server fails to respond to your request, please try again at a later time.

Please contact us if you encounter any problems, or if you have any suggestions.

Lusico is sponsored jointly by the Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit at Mass General Hospital and the Broad Institute. Lusico is the work of Stephan Ripke (sripke (at) broadinstitute (dot) org)