MitoWiki FAQ

All genes: an index of all genes (along with human and mouse gene IDs, symbols, and descriptions)

Description of fields:
Human synonymsSymbols from NCBI at the time of MitoCarta2.0 creation
Mouse orthologMouse ortholog determined by BLASTP reciprocal best hit (Expect<0.001); Symbols from NCBI
MoothaLab Resources
  CoexpressionCoexpression across mouse tissue atlases (RNA atlas GNFv3, protein atlas Geiger, Mol. Cell Proteomics, 2013) [Note links will not be available if no mouse ortholog exists].
  CCLECancer Cell Line Encyclopedia of ~1000 cancer cell lines with RNA-seq and 391 cell lines with CRISPR screen data.
  Sequence alignment(MitoCarta genes only) shows MUSCLE alignment for best bidirectional hits (BBH) for all 138 species, or for a pre-selected subset of 24 model organisms. Note TMHMM transmembrane domains are shown (black) as well as PFAM domains (blue) for each species
MitoCarta3.0 evidenceListed features have log-odds score>1 (+ indicates logodds>5; ++ indicates score>7)
MitoCarta2.0 FDRCorrected false discovery rate for genes scoring this level or higher. MitoCarta2.0 list contains genes with cFDR<=5% or with Tmito curation
MitoCarta2.0 TrainingCuration of this gene as Tmito (definite mito), Tpossible_mito, or Tnon_mito. T stands for training data.'
TargetPTargetP confidence: TargetP confidence score (1-5, 1 is most confident) of mitochondrial targeting signal. Score 0 indicates no mitochondrial prediction
MitoDomainindicates protein has a PFAM domain that is exclusively mito (MitoDomain), exclusively non-mito (NonMitoDomain), or in both mito and non-mito proteins (SharedDomain), or no info (NoDomain). Uses swissprot annotations of PFAM domain and cellular loc across all eukaryotes.
Yeast HomologOrthologMitoHighConf (HomologMitoHighConf) if yeast ortholog (homolog) is annotated mitochondrial in SGD with high confidence; OrthologMitoLowConf (HomologMitoLowConf) if yeast ortholog (homolog) is annotated mitochondrial in SGD with low confidence (dual localized or only based on high throughput data), NoMitoHomolog indicates no yeast homolog or homolog is not annotated mitochondrial in SGD.
Rickettsia HomologRickettsia Homolog: Ortholog if 1:1 ortholog between mouse and Rickettsia prowazekii; Homolog if homology between mouse and Rickettsia prowazekii, otherwise NoHomolog.
GeneAtlas Coexpression N50N50 score for coexpression across mouse GNFv3 tissue atlas (N50 = number of 50 nearest neighbors that are in Tmito).
PGC InductionFoldchange in transcript induction following overexpression of PGC1a, known to induce mitochondrial biogenesis.
MSMS scoreCategory indicating MS/MS abundance (coverage) and enrichment in subtractive proteomics (either pure-enriched, crude-enriched, or ambiguous).
MSMS intensitylog10 intensity in each tissue. cer=cerebrum, cbl=cerebellum, bra=brainstem, spi=spinalcord, kid=kidney, liv=liver, hea=heart, skm=skeletalmuscle, adi=adipose, smi=smallintestine, lgi=largeintestine, sto=stomach, pla=placenta, tes=testis
Mootha Lab CRISPR Screen Results
GluGalDeathScreen (2016)Arroyo et al, Cell Metabolism 2016; Three possibilities: General growth defect; Enriched in Gal/Glu dead cells (fdr < 0.10) (and not General growth defect); not significantly enriched in Gal/Glu dead cells (fdr > 0.10)
O2_screen_summary (2020)Jain et al, Cell 2020. Selectively essential in 1% vs 21% oxygen (day 15), with fdr
1%O2_vs_21%O2.day15.score (2020)Zscore for 1% vs 21% oxygen on day 15
21%O2.day15_vs_day0.score (2020)Zscore for abundance at day 15 vs day 0 (21% oxygen)
Chemical genetics Zscore (To 2019)To et al, Cell 2019 Chemical Genetic Screen: significant hits (FDR<0.10) reported for the following drugs: DMSO, Metformin (Met), Piericidin (Pier), Antimycin (Anti), Oligomycin (Olig), Antimycin + Oligomycin (AO), ethidium bromide (Etbr), and chloromphenicol (CAP). Negative Z scores indicate lower growth in the condition, positive scores indicate higher growth in the condition.
TMRM_Oligo_ZscoreTL's unpublished 'set point assay' data: enriched in the low sorted tail of TMRM distribution under oligomycin
RefSeq Protein Isoforms
TargetP (v1.0)TargetP version 1 was run and predicted either signal peptide (S), mito targeting signal (MTS), or no prediction. Confidence score (conf) between 1 (high conf) and 5 (low conf). If MTS is predicted, the predicted MTS length is provided (note confidence score is only presence of MTS and not confidence of its length). Eg 'MTS (conf=1 len=22)' indicates a high confidence MTS, with length predicted at 22.
TargetP (v2.0)TargetP version 2 was run and predicted either signal peptide (SP), mito targeting signal (MTS), or no target prediction (noTP). Score indicates likelihood (higher is better) and length is the predicted MTS length
TPpred2TPpred2 was run, and indicates score and predicted length of MTS
MitoFates MTS LenMitoFates was run in 2016 for paper PMID: 28122942, and if an MTS was predicted, the lengths of all predicted MTS are listed
Mouse BestBest cleavage for this mouse protein based on PMID:28122942 which integrates experimental data (N-terminal mito proteomics of isolated mouse liver and kidney), with predictions to provide the best supported MTS length (for one mouse protein per gene). Not provided for human proteins since data was generated only for mouse.

General: the previous MitoWiki website was not supported and failed. This previous website had user sign-in, manual annotation of gene function and disease status, as was as static information of mito-relevant data per protein. This new website just as the static information, without a wiki ability to manually update entries.