# TWB mQTL summary statistics column 1 phe_id phenotype id: CpG ID 2 phe_chr The phenotype chromosome 3 phe_from Start position of the phenotype (GRCh37) 4 phe_to End position of the phenotype (GRCh37) 5 phe_strd The phenotype strand 6 n_var_in_cis The number variants in the cis window for this phenotype. 7 dist_phe_var The distance between the variant and the phenotype start positions. 8 var_id The variant ID. 9 var_chr The variant chromosome. 10 var_from The start position of the variant. (GRCh37) 11 var_to The end position of the variant. (GRCh37) 12 nom_pval The nominal p-value of the association between the variant and the phenotype. 13 r_squared The r squared of the linear regression. 14 slope The beta (slope) of the linear regression. 15 slope_se The standard error of the beta. Only printed if --std-err is provided. 16 best_hit Whether this varint was the best hit for this phenotype.