File 1: GWAS description, including sample size, QC, association statistic used, imputation reference panel, chip. File 2: GWAS results. Please include information on all variants included in the association study, with the following columns: chromosome chromosome in hg19 coordinates pos position of variant in hg19 coordinates (0-indexed) variant unique variant identifier (chr:pos:ref:alt) SNP rsID identifer allele1 reference allele in hg19 coordinates allele2 alternate allele in hg19 coordinates minorallele minor allele in cohort maf allele frequency of the minor allele in cohort info info score from imputation beta_marginal marginal association effect size from GWAS se_marginal standard error on marginal association effect size from GWAS P p-value from GWAS N sample size File 3: Fine-mapping description, including - Description of association analysis it is based on, as above - Fine-mapping method used, including parameters (e.g. max #causal variants in a locus) - How did you call loci? File 4: Fine-mapping results. Please include information on all variants included in the fine-mapping study, with the columns described above for association, plus the following columns: region region of the genome fine-mapping in hg19 coordinates pip posterior probability of association from fine-mapping cs_id ID of 95% credible set (-1 indicates that variant is not in a 95% CS) cs_pip If the method reports a credible set-specific PIP (e.g. the alpha parameter for SuSiE) please include it. If not, omit this column. beta_posterior posterior expectation of true effect size sd_posterior posterior standard deviation of true effect size