PLINK v1.90b3.32 64-bit (24 Feb 2016) Options in effect: --extract --file /broad/GINGER/data/GWAS/gwas_example --maf 0.05 --pca Hostname: Working directory: /home/unix/hhuang/pca Start time: Mon Mar 19 17:13:36 2018 Random number seed: 1521494016 7864 MB RAM detected; reserving 3932 MB for main workspace. Allocated 294 MB successfully, after larger attempt(s) failed. Scanning .ped file... done. Performing single-pass .bed write (100310 variants, 200 people). --file: plink-temporary.bed + plink-temporary.bim + plink-temporary.fam written. 100310 variants loaded from .bim file. 200 people (101 males, 99 females) loaded from .fam. 200 phenotype values loaded from .fam. --extract: 57207 variants remaining. Using up to 2 threads (change this with --threads). Before main variant filters, 200 founders and 0 nonfounders present. Calculating allele frequencies... done. Total genotyping rate is 0.996241. 13575 variants removed due to minor allele threshold(s) (--maf/--max-maf/--mac/--max-mac). 43632 variants and 200 people pass filters and QC. Among remaining phenotypes, 39 are cases and 161 are controls. Relationship matrix calculation complete. --pca: Results saved to plink.eigenval and plink.eigenvec . End time: Mon Mar 19 17:13:37 2018