Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for Cognitive Resilience (CR) and Cognitive Decline Resilience (CDR) The folders with the "_CR_score" tag are DEGs computed against the cognitive resilience score (CR score). This is calculated using the AD pathology measurement (gpath, nft, plaq_n, tangles) and global cognition at last visit (cogn_global_lv). gpath_CR_score/ nft_CR_score/ plaq_n_CR_score/ tangles_CR_score/ The folders with the "_CDR_score" tag are DEGs computed against the cognitive decline resilience score (CDR score). This is calculated using the AD pathology measurement (gpath, nft, plaq_n, tangles) and the rate of decline of global cognition (cogng_random_slope). gpath_CDR_score/ nft_CDR_score/ plaq_n_CDR_score/ tangles_CDR_score/ The folder with cogdx AD is for DEGs computed between pathologic diagnosis of AD using NIA-Reagan scores (as described in the methods) against cognitive diagnosis of AD. cogdx_AD_yes/ The folders with the "_corrected" tag are DEGs computed by adding the AD pathology measurement (gpath, nft, plaq_n, tangles) as a covariate instead of using the CR or CDR score. This is described in the methods of the paper. Subfolders separate the results into those for cogn_global_lv (global cognition) and cogng_random_slope (rate of decline of global cognition). cognition_gpath_corrected/ cognition_nft_corrected/ cognition_plaq_n_corrected/ cognition_tangles_corrected/ DEG csv files have the following columns: gene - HGNC symbol cluster_id - cell type subcluster logFC, logCPM, F, p_val - from Muscat p_adj.loc - locally adjusted p-values (on each cell type separately) p_adj.glb - globally adjusted p-values