# Enhancer clusters for 833 epigenomes x 2M enhancers (Figure 3) # Manifest: cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_assignments.bed cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_assignments.loc.bed cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_centers.tsv.gz cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_counts.tsv cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_rownames.tsv cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_nbp.tsv modules_GO_enrichments_matrix_ordered.tsv.gz collated_motifs.txt logos/ motifs_bkgdhs_cls.enrich.full.tsv.gz motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.reduced.tsv.gz motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.full.fullnames.tsv motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.reduced.fullnames.tsv # File descriptions: ## Cluster metadata: cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_assignments.loc.bed - Cluster assignments. - hg19 location (columns 1-3) - Clusters (column 4) are 0-indexed (0:299). cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_centers.tsv.gz - Centers matrix for clusters cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_counts.tsv - Number of enhancers per cluster. cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_rownames.tsv - Epigenomic sample order for centers matrix. cls_merge2_wH3K27ac100_300_nbp.tsv - Number of base pairs covered per cluster. ## GO/Motif Enrichments: modules_GO_enrichments_matrix_ordered.tsv.gz - Matrix of 1892 GO enrichments (using GREAT) across 300 modules. collated_motifs.txt - PFMs for 1689 motifs used in motif enrichment analyses (JASPAR core 2018, HOCOMOCOv11, and Jolma 2013 HT-SELEX) logos/ - Motif logos for the 1689 motifs above. motifs_bkgdhs_cls.enrich.full.tsv.gz - Motif enrichment matrix for all motifs with any level of enrichment (1682 motifs) against 300 modules (c0:c299) motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.reduced.tsv.gz - Motif enrichment matrix for archetype motifs with absolute log2FC>=1 (160 motifs) against 300 modules (c0:c299) motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.full.fullnames.tsv - Full motif names mapped to the shortened motif names in the full matrix. motifs_bkgdhs_cls_enrich.reduced.fullnames.tsv - Full motif names mapped to the shortened motif names in the archetypes matrix.