Shell scripts are: (main run script to run fusion on all smart-seq2 fastqs) (test script, not used, to jointly run star-fusion) (aggregate the fusion outputs) Scripts for loading data in R: load_fusion_data.R (load processed fusions) load_go_signatures.R (expression signature data) load_joint_expression.R (expression data) Of the fusion analysis scripts (gene_fusions_*.R), the most relevant are: gene_fusions_01_filter_fusions.R (filtering fusions) gene_fusions_02_join_fusions_metadata.R (joining with metadata) gene_fusions_04_regressions.R (regressions for Figure 1B) gene_fusions_04c_compare_regressions_review.R (comparison of regression models for reviews) gene_fusions_05_regressions_by_type.R (regression splitting fusions different ways) gene_fusions_06_stratify_cells.R (gene signatures) gene_fusions_06c_stratify_by_type.R (gene signatures by cell type) gene_fusions_06d_gene_diff.R (DEGs associated with fusions, not in manuscript but available) Other R scripts: auxiliary_fusion_plotting.R (functions to facilitate fusion plotting) statistics_qc_01_markers_ncounts.R (statistics on the smart-seq data for Figure S1)